Address validation France, Austria and Germany

The development team has just released important updates to the Egon software, both for the address validation and, therefore, the geocoding system. Our constant aim is to increase the software performance in terms of quality data supplied to our customers and performance speed and customer service.

Our algorithms are always aligned to the Egon thesaurus, which is in turn updated every day with the exact data taken from EU and non-EU databases. Parallel to this our core development team works on optimising the data processes, in relation to the various services that are provided.

Here is the news about address validation in France, Austria and Germany

Egon is able to process addresses from any country in the world, while our core business remains Europe and the Americas (therefore also including address validation for central and south-American countries). With this in mind, part of our team works daily on improving the services we offer these countries, to improve the performance precision and speed of the services we offer our current and future customers. The last Egon release incorporates new devices which perfect further the validation of data from some of the leading European countries: France, Austria and Germany. The level of precision is impressive, and the related services, from online validation to massive batch processing via web, are well affirmed by now.

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