Mailing address database validation: try EGON!

Our core business is mailing address database validation. We customise our solutions on site on the client’s premises or directly via web, and are able to satisfy the most varied needs for database validation.

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Address database validation: the needs

address database validation Databanks that are both databases and archives for the software used by any enterprise (from administrative to geomarketing software, etc.) comprise enormous groups of mailing addresses, whether private individuals or companies and institutions. These databases are often updated manually by operators entering the data as part of their jobs.

Errors are just around the corner and cannot be totally avoided, which is why the correctness of the data has to be periodically controlled by means of a massive cleansing process.

Thanks to Egon, just a few minutes are sufficient for entire mailing address databases to be corrected precisely with top quality data.

Address database validation: the solution

Uploading the databases in any form they come (excel, text file, csv, access etc.)

  • Correcting the errors
  • Updating the data with the latest changes (changes to postcodes, provinces, street numbers, etc.)
  • Identifying any duplicates and merging them in a single datum
  • Address geocoding
  • Returning addresses in the mailing format
  • Returning the database in any digital format

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