Postal address check in more than 250 countries


Postal address check Checking postal addresses is a decisive job in numerous spheres, from data entry to CRM systems, from creating databases to printed marketing campaigns. Checking that postal address databases are correct and up to date means improving business management at all levels, to ensure punctuality, efficiency and precision. Whether delivering a product or profiling names collected in a PPC advertising campaign, the postal address has the same importance as the email address and phone number, essential data to create ongoing and personalized communications to build loyalty in the public through a customer service that satisfies their expectations. But how can you handle a postal address check easily and quickly? What tools can you use when faced with files containing hundreds of thousands of addresses?

It is obvious that manually checking the postal addresses is highly impractical, both in terms of the work involved and the accuracy level that can be achieved. To check files with 1,000 addresses would take somebody several days, which is not feasible in any modern business. However there is a much more popular system, using software for postal address validation. This type of program enables checking just one or several addresses, and also the completeness of the entered data, checking for duplicates, obsolete data, etc. Therefore the address is checked, validated and enhanced, and can be converted into standard dispatch formats in force in the target country.


Egon postal address check software is able to work in 4 different ways. Below is the list and details of each check method, with the link to the web page where you can find our more information:

  • Batch check → by batch we mean massive checks on files containing up to hundreds of thousands of addresses. This is the ideal solution to process large data requests with cutting-edge functions, including map geocoding;
  • Integrated check → Egon software can be integrated into other applications or previous infrastructures with an additional plug-in. This way, apart from the tool you use, you will be able to check the entered or filed addresses at any time;
  • Online check → with a simple data entry mask the address is checked, enhanced and validated. This is also available, like all the other methods, in more than 250 countries worldwide in the five continents;
  • Autocomplete → the autocomplete check enables automatically completing the entered data. This is an additional guarantee to eliminate any margin of error by the data entry operator or in the case of manual entry.